Frequently Asked Questions
How do I book the photo session officially?
To book the date and time with us, we just need a deposit of 40% via Zelle/Wise. If you are from Europe, you can send € via Paypal/Wise or a bank transfer. If you are from the UK you can send GBP through transfer to my UK account. Also, we use Paypal. It will charge some fees that have to be covered by the client.
Once we receive the amount, it’s booked for you and the photographer will reject other people for that day and time. The remaining amount, 60%, could be paid at the end of the photoshoot to the photographer directly (we usually prefer cash).
Can I reschedule the session to another day for personal reasons?
If you need to reschedule for personal reasons unrelated to the weather (new travel dates to NY, illness, planning, missed flights or trains, etc.) you can do it at no cost, notifying two weeks in advance of the scheduled date.
If you notify with less than 14 days, you can still reschedule, but you will have to add a fee of $30 since the photographer will have rejected other works and it will be very difficult to fill that gap with so little advance.
In the event that the session is rescheduled for the second time for reasons unrelated to weather, the fee would be $60.
We also offer the option of sending a voucher to use in the following months in case you have to postpone the session due to not being able to travel to NY or due to serious illness.
What happens if it rains the day of the photo session?
We can reschedule the photoshoot to another day or time if the weather doesn’t allow it to be done on the scheduled date (rains, snowfalls or strong storms). If the day is just cloudy, the sessions will go ahead (also, we love shooting on cloudy days, the light is even better than sunny days).
If we lose the photos, could you resend them?
Yes. Once we send the high-quality edited photos it’s your responsibility to take care of them and keep them in a safe place (we recommend that you always keep them on different computers, hard drives, phones or in the cloud).
However, if you have any problems with the pics, just send us a message and we’ll resend them free of charge.
Can I use the pics the way we want?
Of course ! Watch. Share. Print. Everything you’d like, you own your photos!
The only exception would be for ads and commercials, this would require our agreement with a copyright release.
Can we book a package and reduce/extend it on the day of the session?
It’s not possible to reduce the pack, since the photographer plans the day based on the locations and duration chosen by you.
Regarding extending, there are cases where the duration can be extended and others that cannot. For example, if the photographer doesn’t have any other job after you, of course you can extend. You just need to add the difference in price between the original pack and the one you want to update. In addition, a longer pack includes more edited photos, except if you are so late (read the next question).
In case that the photographer have another photoshoot after yours, you will have to keep the original package. For this reason, we always help you choose the most convenient pack for you based on the locations that you want to cover and the budget that you have in mind. The goal is to create a realistic route to be able to go to the selected places in the duration of the booked package.
What happens if we arrive late on the day of the photo session?
We always try to remember the importance of choosing the hours well and being punctual, since the time of the chosen pack begins at the time you meet the photographer at the meeting point. We’ll give you a margin of 5-10 minutes to arrive, since many of you are not familiar with the city and we understand that everyone can be delayed a few minutes. But after those courtesy minutes, the pack time is not recovered and the photo session will end at the agreed time.
For example, if your pack is 60 minutes and we meet at Dumbo Park at 4pm, the session would end at 5pm regardless of whether you arrive at 4pm or 4:30pm.
In the event that you are going to arrive very late and you barely have time to take more than 10-15 minutes of photos, you can update to the next pack if the photographer is available after the original time.
Case 1; If your original package is 60 min – 40 pics and you arrive 40 min late, you can decide to upgrade to the next one; 90 min – 60 pics. The new package (30 min more) includes 20 edited more pics, so the total time taking pics would be 50 min and you would get 60 pics.
Case 2; If you arrive 60 min late (this has happened!) and your package is 60 min, obviously there would be no time left to take pictures. In this case, if the photographer is available, you can upgrade to the next package as well (90 min, 60 pics), but it’s possible that the photographer can’t deliver those 60 pics because she has been working with you only for 30 min (because the other 60 min she was waiting for you). We can’t take the same number of good pics if we are working together for 30 min instead of 90. In this case, she will deliver as many beautiful pics as she was able to take in those 30 min together.
To sum up this question; please, BE ON TIME. This is one of the most important things to be calm in the photoshoot, with no rush, enjoy the experience, save time and money. If we meet at 5 pm and you are not familiar with the city or the area, please, try to be there at 4:30 pm so if you miss a train, there’s traffic, you leave the hotel late etc. you will not be late for your appointment with the photographer.
What happens if we cancel the session?
In the case of cancellation for reasons unrelated to weather, the deposit will not be returned, since the photographer has reserved the date and time for you and, therefore, has rejected other works that are no longer possible to recover. However, We offer the option of sending a voucher so that you can do the photo session at another time (usually valid for 12 months) or you can give it to a loved one. This way, the deposit would not be lost.
Can we change the chosen location once the reservation is made?
Yes, but we ask you to notify us in advance so that the photographer can organize herself. For example, if you book your session six weeks in advance, it’s usually not necessary to confirm the exact location at that time. But it does help us a lot to know exactly where you want to take the pics a week before the date.
What type of editing is included when I book a photoshoot?
Editing is a way to improve the photographs regarding lighting, color and framing adjustments. All the photos you see on my website or social media are edited by me with my own editing style, whether in color or black and white. We work with our own presets and edit each photo individually.
However, some people ask if we remove people from the background, make them thinner, remove wrinkles or modify their clothing. The answer is no. Those things are not included in the regular photo editing. On some occasions we can remove a person or object from the background (it depends on the background, textures, colors, proximity between people…) but that is not something we do as a general rule. It may seem an easy task to remove people or pimples but it’s not. They are complicated tasks that take many hours, and despite that, sometimes the result is not realistic. Not all photos can be modified so easily.
We are photographers and our goal is to capture people and moments as they are. Therefore, if you are looking to do a session and have us edit your body or the background, it’s better that you choose another photographer.
For example, if you want to take photos at Times Square, the Rockefeller tree or Brooklyn Bridge (the most crowded locations in NYC) with fewer people, you will have to book your session early in the morning.
Do we receive the pics edited by you? Could the pics be modified after delivery?
Absolutely, we always edit our photos with our own presets in color and black and white. Our style is quite natural, we don’t like to exaggerate the colors or overexpose the lights. Also, before editing we always ask you if you like the black and white pics or you prefer all of them in color.
No, once the photos are edited and sent they cannot be modified. We always maintain the same editing style in our pics, so before booking with us we recommend seeing the portfolio, complete galleries and posts on social medial so that you are sure that our photography and editing style fits what you are looking for.
If you have more questions about our photoshoots or conditions, feel free to send us your doubts.
We’ll reply in 24-28 hours.